
otis srs pgOtis ** July 26 2008 to Oct 18 2012 ** With heavy hearts, we say goodbye to big Otis. Otis was the most awesome, wonderful dog, and was such a kind old soul. He was left at the Humane Society after a domestic dispute in his family. He had protected the family’s child from harm by the mother’s boyfriend, and found himself homeless as a result. Milagro was more than happy to take this great hero in. Otis went to live with Milagro guardians Vern, Meika, and Dax, where he was loved and cherished for the remainder of his precious life. He died at home in the early morning hours, of natural causes, in the arms of the family who cared ever so deeply for him. Even though we knew it was inevitable – he was 15 years old, after all – it was horribly painful to let Otis go. He had become a treasured part of their family for the last four years, and even as Otis’ guardian family grieves for him and misses him now, they feel lucky to have been the ones who loved him most. Godspeed, dear Otis. Thanks for being part of our lives. We will hold you in our hearts forever.