Milagro's Prayer
Dear God, bless these precious lives You’ve placed in our care.
And please be especially loving to those poor souls who never do find help in this life.
~ Jeannie Fisher, Founder Milagro Senior Pets 1998

Meet Milagro's Founder, Jeannie Fisher
Jeannie founded Milagro in 1998 after spending some time at her county dog pound where she often went to rescue pets on her own. Lingering among the rows and rows of cages filled with desperate homeless animals, searching for the most needy ones to save, she noticed that almost every person passed quickly by the old ones, without even offering a second glance. The heart-breaking need to protect these seniors became obvious, and Jeannie stepped up. Rescuing old animals back then was thought to be ridiculous - a waste of time and resources, and she got a lot of criticism and discouragement. But Jeannie stood firm for these poor souls, cast off through no fault of their own ... And so Milagro was born.
Milagro Senior Pets is incorporated in the State of Arizona since 2005, and recognized by the IRS as a 501C3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization.
Jeannie was awarded the Snell & Wilmer 2012 Community Involvement Award for her dedicated service in advocating for animal welfare in Phoenix and nationwide.